Daniel at Borders on Tuesday, 10/3

And while I'm on the subject, I want to thank Deb Fluk and Scott Cherkin, whose wedding I shot in July of 2005, and April Kozen, whose wedding I photographed last month, for taking the time to come to the packed reading at Barnes and Noble in Manhattan earlier this week. It took me about 45 seconds to realize that it was April I was face to face with in the book stacks. Having shot her wedding in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, my mind was doing backflips at the incongruity of seeing her in a bookstore--and not in a wedding dress--on the Upper East Side! I feel quite fortunate to consistently find such warm and generous clients.
The reading was a great success, and quite emotional. 81-year-old Jack Green flew in from Sydney, Australia just to be there. He dated my cousin Ruchele when they were both teenagers living in Bolechow, Poland in the 1930's. To hear an interview that Daniel and Jack did with NPR's OnPoint program, click here.
I'll be back in a few days with some pictures from this past weekend's amazing Chesapeake Bay wedding of Lori Alvino and Matt McGill.
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