Last Year, This Year

Many years ago--six, I think--I photographed the amazing wedding of Kelly Corrigan and Edward Lichty at the Villanova Chapel in Radnor, Pennsylvania. I use the word amazing for several reasons: the Villanova Chapel (chapel, my foot) is a staggeringly beautiful cathedral on the grounds of the university; the Corrigan family, with its ever-present Irish laughter and constant discussions of lacrosse and other sports, left such an indelible impression on me (discussions in the Mendelsohn household, on the other hand, usually revolved around "racing car" math problems--if a racing car left Detroit going 236 mph...); and because a year after their wedding--and completely out of the blue-- Kelly wrote me what is still the nicest thank-you note I've ever received.

You can watch Kelly's chat with Katie here. I watched it again this morning and was in tears. Suffice to say that it went on longer than any Today show segment I can remember. You guys judge for yourselves. Katie, whose husband, Jay, died of colon cancer, clearly bonded with Kelly. Kelly talked about her courageous bout with Stage 3 breast cancer--and the chemo treatments she shared with her dad, Big George, who was also fighting his own bout with bladder cancer--with the same laughter that I heard those many years ago in her family home when she was dressing for her wedding.
Well, amazing people do amazing things. That Kelly has beaten her cancer is not surprising to me at all. It's what she's done after that which continues to impress: she has created a cool web site called Circus of Cancer, with lots of great information and lots of great photographs. (Oh, forgot to mention: Kelly became a photographer!!) The neat part about Circus of Cancer is that it's written primarily for those of us who are cancer free. It's goal is to educate friends and loved ones of people with cancer on the things they can do, things they should say (lesson one: don't say "you never responded to my get-well e-mail!"), and how they can help. Please take a look, especially the column she writes for a local newspaper.

We've always prided ourselves at Matt Mendelsohn World Headquarters (okay, Matt's basement) on how great our clients are in times of need. Whether for tsunami victims or the children of a journalist killed in Iraq, we've all rallied for great causes. So go buy Kelly's book!
Hi Matt, Someone who knows what I have going on sent me your site.
It is beautiful.
She sent me kelly's site circle of cancer....very timely, I was having a ruff morning.
I haven't worked with you in awhile.......I hope you and the family are doing good.
I admire how you seem to do the "right thing"
sometimes working with you you seem likey a grumpy ole bear but I always see that you are a caring person with a deep soul.....a rare trait.
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